51 – Operation: Fifteen Minutes (a chapter from my NaNo 2007 novel)
This is not a drill, repeat, this is not a drill! You have fifteen minutes to shower, dress, eat breakfast, and get out that door! Listen up, maggots, so you do...
This is not a drill, repeat, this is not a drill! You have fifteen minutes to shower, dress, eat breakfast, and get out that door! Listen up, maggots, so you do...
The Gospel According to Reiko 1 In the morning was the Alarm Clock, and the Alarm Clock was with Reiko, and Reiko heard the Alarm Clock. 2 The same was in the b...
no, you didn’t mis-read, and no, i didn’t mis-type. that says 07. for the past couple of years, lulu.com has been stepping up to the plate to offer ...
i’m pretty much on a role today. i was suppose to meet my friend for her book consult (^_^) this afternoon (yes, the one that i had to take a photo of the...
wow, it’s almost like i’m a real blogger these days, huh? with real updates and everything! … moving on. yesterday was my final for my horribl...
well, blogosphere, it’s been a crappy day here in yatsu-land, but i’ve been attempting to compensate by doing what i do usually when i don’t w...
well, folks, it’s about that time of year again, that time when meredeth has exhausted the joys of rediscovering the shower, when meredeth has gotten over...