FACT 108 – NaNo 07
no, you didn’t mis-read, and no, i didn’t mis-type. that says 07. for the past couple of years, lulu.com has been stepping up to the plate to offer ...
what did i get up to during NaNoWriMo 2007?
no, you didn’t mis-read, and no, i didn’t mis-type. that says 07. for the past couple of years, lulu.com has been stepping up to the plate to offer ...
for my aforementioned birthaday, my momeh bought me a fancy 8 GB SD card! yay~ i specifically requested it, so i could install ubuntu-eee on it. i’m hesit...
that is definitely all. i will now proceed to pass out. Labels: facts
http://www.flickr.com/photos/12468600@N00/1796384005/ that is all. heheh. actually, i’d like to say that NaNo starts in a less than 72 hours, and i still ...
music if only because i cannot possibly fuck up listening to music. i swear. of all the horrible times to have a string of unlucky days… the craft show is...