ah, the ebookjapan app has finally updated, as it promised it would, and there is now no more trunk room, no more local bookshelf, it’s just all one big beautiful app. (^_^) so for those of you who are mostly there for the pretty pictures, i thought i’d translate the little instruction/update screens.
The bookshelf display is new
The local bookshelf and the trunk bookshelf have been merged, and book management has become easier.
[To users of former versions of the reader]
Volumes are located in the Former Trunk Bookshelf folder.
Online reading volumes and the like were moved to the Library folder.
Download Icon
Cloud volume
Downloaded volume
When you select volumes with a cloud icon, the volume download begins and can then be read.
Volumes that do not have the cloud icon have already been downloaded. Please read them as before, even offline.
Deleting Volumes
It is now possible to delete volumes directly from the management screen, without being moved to a trash bin folder.
Bookshelf Menu
With a tap on the top left of the screen, a drawer menu is displayed where you can see the folder filters at a glace. The menu with display, re-ordering, and other options are can be displayed with the menu button on the end.
Bookshelf Icons
Display only downloaded volumes
Refresh: Refreshes the bookshelf display. You can also refresh the display by swiping down on the main bookshelf.
Manage: You can upload, download, move between folders, and delete books from here.
Display only downloaded volumes: They main bookshelf displays both volumes that have finished downloading and volumes that are stored on the cloud. If this option is checked, only volumes that have finished downloading will be displayed.
A Warning About Starting The App For The First Time
When you start the app for the first time, your bookshelf with perform a syncing operation.
If your volumes are not displayed, please wait a little bit, or switch screens (by entering Reading Mode or the Settings screen, for instance, and then returning to the Bookshelf screen).
and there you have it, ladies, gentlemen, and others. (^_^) personally, i like this new look. i like having everything on one screen, and i really like the new management system. i had a lot of samples downloaded, and it was hard to find them to delete them after i downloaded the whole book, but having everything on one screen made that so much easier.
the rest of the app is nicely translated, so you shouldn’t have any issues finding the right buttons to click, but if you’ve got a question, let me know in the comments, i’ve opened them up for this post.
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