Lodoss, the accursed island. In Moss, a region in southwestern Lodoss, a sealed evil is released–
Brook, king of Skard, dreams of his son Nashere becoming king of all Lodoss. And so, when he learns that his own days are numbered, he makes a bet, determined to leave a disgraced name to history. And then, Nashere’s sister Reena, for the sake of the deep love she feels for her brother, also leaves her own fate in her father’s hands… In this new volume, the truth of the Demon’s liberation is revealed!
A Record of Lodoss War original story.
(a note from your translator: this is a collection of two short stories, detailing the backstory to and actual release of the demon king who was later defeated by Beld and the Six Heroes.)
Prince of the Sun, Princess of the Moon
first published in The Sneaker, release date 12/5/1995
Bonds of Blood
first published in The Sneaker, 8/1996 volume
– chapter one
– chapter two
– chapter three
– chapter four
– chapter five
– chapter six
– On the Kadokawa Mini Library’s First Volume
– a note from your translator on Prince of the Sun, Princess of the Moon
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