this has got to be the weirdest thing i’ve ever made. it’s a palm leaf style book, which means that it’s basically just pieces of paper with a hole punched in them and a string run through the whole job, but it’s shiny and it’s got little shiny bits of shrinky dink stuck on and it’s got shiny bits of mica on it and and and. … yes, you heard right, shrinky dinks. if you haven’t communed with the shrinky dink god lately, you need to get to it. i found a package of the stuff at joann’s, but i think michael’s sells it, too. in this case, i combined it with some of those “perfect pearls” or whatever hyperbolic name they’ve got for it over at ranger inks and it turned out exactly as i wanted it. you maybe can’t see it real well in the photo, but they are perfectly shiny. the cord is regular paper cord, as bought in the jewelry aisle of joann’s, and the cover is corrugated cardboard. the pages are technically usable; they’re 32 lb computer paper left over from my (never-ending) budokan job. that job is definitely taking longer than i thought it would. the problem is, well the problems are a) it’s my first wholesale/mass production job, and i grossly underestimated the amount of effort it would take because b) while making one japanese stab binding book isn’t that hard at all, making 30 of them seems like torture. … actually, they’re going to look very nice when they’re done. i finally got some of the stupid lid pins in (a little under half of them are still on backorder) and tomorrow i’m going to finish the first batch of 10 (well, 9 in this case since i glued the first one incorrectly and had to discard it) so i’ll get to see some of the fruits tomorrow afternoon. i can’t wait. and i know the budokan people can’t wait either. i know they’re getting a little impatient to have their books. frankly, i’m getting a little impatient to give them their books. i took this job before i left for sweden, and i really thought i’d have it done by now.
the other thing i’m impatient to get done is that(those) demian syndrome extra(s). i haven’t had a chance to finish typing that one up yet, and i probably won’t until this weekend. i’ve got ergo proxy vol 3 tonight, and that show trumps breathing if necessary. tomorrow, besides making the boxes, i’ll be taking some pics for and listing some things on notuboc (i made a sale today!) and hopefully working on the first of three grail diary replicas. i’ve got the book itself finished, so now i’ve just got to copy a select few of the illustrations into the book, and then it’ll be done. technically, it’s not a grail diary replica, because i’m only putting a few of the movie illustrations into it, but i think it will be so much cooler for the future recipient to be able to put their own story next to the grail illustrations. they can put their own grail hunt into it. … oh man, i’ve been reading too much yuu-kun. you can tell coz i’m all like, “humanity rulez!” i’m only reading the guy’s blog, and his enthusiasm for Life is catching. it’s really a mystery that gackt managed to stay so sober and morose around him for as long as he did. that must have been some Sober he had going on.
the other thing i’ve got to do is play more tales of the world! man. i love me my tales of phantasia, and the opportunity to create my own character with whom i get to fight alongside The Chester? it’s too much awesome! i swear, i’m taking on quests that are like five levels below me just so i can fight next to him. and i’m playing a male character. it’s kind of disturbing. not that hogo isn’t a cutie. what i’d really like to know, though, is why all the special Exchange outfits are for girls. my hogo is girly, but he doesn’t want to wear a pink fairy princess outfit, thanks.
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