because i’ve obviously been spending way too much time at work. in other news, this is what i’ve been doing with my free time. that? that is a book made of nori. and “rice sticks.” and wonton wrappers. and, uh, er, fruit roll-ups. yeah, my teeth are pretty much a sugary mess at this stage… you can see more @ the BESTbooks 2009 Edible Book Fesitval flickr group. wow, that has to be the longest link i’ve ever put up. reminds me of a crazy lady i used to work for. i know precisely jack about search engine optimization, so when i started picking on all the (what appeared to me to be randomly crazy) link styles, she was like, what are you, a retard? anyway. those are sad memories, and frankly, from like a year and a half ago? do i really not have anything better to think about? oh wait! i do! my shiny new soopsee account! it aggegates from my blog, from my etsy shop, and all in a fancy little uber-designed place. it’s cute~ i’ve got a corkboard theme going on right now, and it /is/ cute, so go over and check it out. it’s in beta, so if you’ve got an etsy shop, sign up~