fact 3

after many years — uh, well, hours, actually, but given my relationship with CSS, it certainly felt like years — i announce the unveiling of www.notuboc.com, another outlet for my book binding. at current, all the product pages link back to etsy for buying, but that’s because shopping cart coding is for another day, a day when i feel less inclined to break my mind. (^_-)

in other news, i’ve got 13 more days to edit and upload my NaNo effort. it’s coming~

ps speaking of things that are coming, i wish the person who wrote this thing had an english lesson or five coming his/her way. as it is, it makes for a great humor read. (^_^) this one‘s not a bad sight either, although there’s no words.



a couple more entries up at robot clones. only fifty thousand to go until i’m caught up… (T_T) also, i set up a seperate blog for my translation of the episode previews of fuurinkazan, the NHK taiga drama in which Gackt will be starring. he plays Uesugi Kenshin (wikipedia entry), who, coincidentally, shares a birthday with my brother. the drama actually follows the character of yamamoto kansuke, a strategist for Takeda Shingen, Uesugi’s chief rival, so gaku probably won’t show until later, but i’m 100% for historical dramas, and NHK’s annual year-long historical dramas are basically awesome. what i need? is some japanese satellite TV. i would watch this thing, subtitles or no. as an aside, fuurinkazan comes from takeda-sama’s banner, which in turn quotes sun tzu’s art of war.



fact 1

on the last day of 2006, i’m drawn to blogger once more. this time ’round, however, will not be a translation of a foreign diary, it will be my own record of daily events.

this evening, we decided to have family gaming night. we started with LIFE, which i am a master at, and which i won handily, then we moved on to Masterpiece, which is a delightful game. basically what happens is this: you collect paintings and then auction them off in the hopes of making a profit. it’s just about as old as moses, but it’s really delightful. it’s better with a ton of people, bidding wars become true battles, but four isn’t a bad number. plus, i’m as good at that as i am at LIFE, so i got to chalk up a second win for me. (^_^)

wishing you all happy holidays and a wonderful new year,
