an update on my year’s goals, since i recently finished one of them, and am half-way done with The Big One. (^_^) college – anthropology 421.08, native american studies something. | actually turning out not to be a horribly boring class. we get a lot of films, a lot of speakers, even some field trips, so that should be cool! on the fail plan though, there is a 20 page paper and a 15 minute presentation due the first week of december. really, NaNo should be a valid excuse from doing class work. (^^;) i guess i should just stop complaining and be happy that something finally worked itself out so i could graduate this quarter. YAY!!! bills (nearly finished!!!) – discovercard | aka rape lady nouveau. TOTALLY DONE! zombiejesus i’m so happy about this. i now have no car payment AND no credit cards! (!!) i was joking the other day i should go out and get a credit card now. but i won’t, mostly because i’ve still got: – tuition payments (ouch) | well, some headway has been made, but it’s still not pretty. at least i don’t have any other bills clogging up my wallet! (yay!) crafts – replica of the national treasure 2 president’s book for my fav customer in the UK | ok, seriously, how long has this thing been on my Working On It list? like a year? six months or something? anyway, i am still shaving leather, it’s just taking forever, coz a) i’m slow, and b) i’m using a paint scraper instead of a real paring knife, but WHATEVER. i found some buttons the other day that were totally perfect, so i’m happy about that… – vendor’s license | still on the back burner, planning for january. – blank books due in oct/nov | my etsy bookbinding team is having a halloween contest, and my entry is now up (shameless plug: dr jekyll and mr hyde ! ). it’s my first try at making a slipcover for a book, and i think it turned out pretty well. i also shipped my book for the etsy journals project (i’d shameless plug here, too, but i seriously can’t remember the url… bad me.). i also also have yet to make and ship my book for the etsybooks fall book swap. i have not one single idea even what i’m making for that, let alone when or how i will ever finish it. so yeah, it’s gonna be writing writing and bookbinding for me this november. sleep? what? i think i’ve heard of that, but i’m not really familiar with what it actually is. yeah. in other news, that’s right, it’s my birthday~ or at least it was on this past thursday! yay for me! seriously, i can hardly believe i survived another year. just think of all the times i could have murdered someone this year. i could have been killed in self defence! or maybe caught and thrown in prison! or even (gasp!) prevented from bookbinding! (oh noes! the horror!) … okay, seriously, 27 sucked, let’s make 28 less sucky, mkay? .